My Jeep

My Jeep
this is my Willys Jeep

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Tank driving day

So it was full Monty day on Saturday and it absolutely pissed it down all day.  Doesn't matter though I was working down on heavy armour on the 432s and the 2S1s.
The weather was good for tank driving.  

Luckily I wasn't up on the Easy company stand, they managed to break 1 Humvee, drive shaft went and two Lances.

The pictures show some 2S1 action through the water splash and on other parts of the course. 

There is also a picture of Wayne our mechanic with his new toy, a quad bike, don't ask me why he has a ladder on the front.

The Land Rover in the background is not a military machine, but a painted civilian 90.

The car crush went well, for the first time I decided to put a camera inside the car, we found a good spot between the headrest and the seat which turned out to be very successful, you can see the video here -, this video is already trending on youtube.

The video footage of the whole crush can be seen here -  Watch till the end because for the first time ever the bonnet of the car managed to ping off a bazooka plate from the side of the tank.  Richard who was filming it at the time had a bit of a moment when 1/4 ton of armoured steel flew off towards him.

So the car got its own back in the end!!!

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