My Jeep

My Jeep
this is my Willys Jeep

Wednesday 26 May 2010

My WW2 Willys Jeep under restoration

I spent the weekend working underneath my 1942 WWII Willys Jeep.  It had not been treated or painted underneath for over 15 years and as a result it was in a bit of a state.  I replace the fuel tank sump with a new one as it had rusted through and treated and painted the petrol tank whilst it was out.  The finished job looks great if you can see in the photos.  I just need to get on with the top now.

Does anybody have any good techniques for painting on the decals cleanly?  Last time I did it was rubbish and I don't really want to get somebody in to do it.

I would also like to put a bit of WW2 nose art on the windscreen and give the Jeep the name Goldie.  Does anybody want to send me some pictures ideas, it would be most appreciated.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Tank limo - 32nd of all time

Following my recent push to get the tank limo into the top 15 watched videos of all time on youtube in the cars and vehicles category I have now moved into 32nd place thanks to everybody watching and supporting with comments etc.  Keep this up and we shall soon be on the second page.

You can see the video here. -

In the last two weeks I have overtaken -
Riccardo Patrese drives wife crazy in Civic Type R -
Tank versus quadtrack -
Magentic Hybrid Motorbike -

Keep watching the vids -

Saturday 15 May 2010

Thursday 13 May 2010

Check out tank limo in another blog

Found this reference to the tank limo this morning in a blog.  It always amazes me how many people blog about the tanklimo across the world.  Here is the link for you

To see the world famous vidoe of the tanklimo look here -

The actual official website for the tanklimo is - Not the best but it gives you and idea.

Follow me on Twitter - @Timmhawkes
Youtube channel -

tanks are great - Can you help?

My youtube channel is the 62nd most popular channel of all time in the guru category, it is my mission to get it ranked as high as possible and with your help I will.  At the moment I have two channels either side of me.

61st - - underground hip hop
63rd - - Japanese Manga cartoons and songs.

Looking at the ratings all I need is another 29740 viewings on my videos to get past the next one, that is where you come in.  Please watch as many vids as you can and help get this channel up the charts.

Follow me on Twitter - @timmhawkes


Hi, I am Tim and this is my blog.

I live in England and have two very different jobs, these are;
1) Tank driving instructor - from time to time. I work at Tanks a Lot, in Helmdon, UK.
2) Managing Director of Unlimited Potential - Running a succesful company that supports large businesses in developing their coaching culture.

As you can see both of these are very different jobs and it leads to a very interesting life with some great experiences that I want to share with you.

I also own a 1942 WW2 Willy's Jeep (picture shown) which I have a lot of fun with. More on that later.

On the web I have a youtube channel that is ranked 63rd of all time in viewings in the cars and vehicles section, in there I include videos of cars being crushed by tanks. There are a lot of my own videos and hundreds of videos of other people crushing cars with tanks. Check it out at

More detail on all of these to follow, please follow me.