My Jeep

My Jeep
this is my Willys Jeep

Friday 22 October 2010

Tanks crushing stuff

Following the success of my youtube account which has now had 6,000,000 views I am now crushing anything that people request me to under a tank.  I have had a number of bizarre requests as you might expect however the current live ones are as follows
Tank Crushes a Banana - Whatever Next
Tank crushes a Watermelon
Tank crushes a Galia Melon

The grape did not work.

I have got a few more coming up including a Pumpkin for Halloween and a packet or cigarettes which somebody asked me to destroy.  If you have any ideas then please drop me a line.

Bought this book the other day for my Jeep and it is excellent for any jeep owners.  I would recommend it.

Friday 30 July 2010

War And Peace Video

Whilst at the War and Peace show Barry offered me a place in his FV432 for a spin around the arena.  Well I wasn't going to say no, since every year I have been to Beltring I have been round the arena.  Here is two videos of the experience.  The first is heading to the arena.  The second is in the arena itself

The War and Peace show

And so the War and Peace show is now over.  The Worlds Largest gathering of privately owned military vehicles in the world.  This year there were just over 3000 vehicles I am told.  I got the jeep painted in time but had to take the trailer in the old colours as I did not have time to paint it.

Andy came to join us with his Iltis and the team was complete.  Some photos of some of the vehicles I liked are below.

I have also included a video of a T-54 with 100mm gun crushing two cars in the arena at Beltring you can see that here - T-54 crushes two cars, crazy tank driving

Sunday 18 July 2010

War a peace show looms

As the war and Peace show begins in earnest next week I have been spending the last few days getting ready for it.  The jeep, now fully painted got through its MOT although the break lights didn't work in the morning, I managed to get them sorted in time, the stoplight switch had failed.  Driving it home and the car started bouncing around the road like a mad thing.  Had to stop and take a look but nothing obvious, I put it down to a bust shock absorber but thought I would check tyre pressures first.  Turned out that pumping up the tyres did the trick.  Ready for Beltring now, I have set up the pitch and look forward to meeting any of you there.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Getting Ready for War And Peace

My long struggle with getting the jeep ready for War and Peace has left me with little time to get the jeep completely finished.  I have cleaned, rust proofed, primed and painted the whole of the underneath of the car and have managed to get a really good finish on the bodywork.  I am not going to be able to get the writing or decals on the jeep in time for Beltring but I am not too worried about that.

If anybody has any advice on bonnet numbering, and where to put markings etc I would be very grateful.

I hope you will agree that it is a great result.

Picture below of the Jeep during painting.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Hi guys,

Just thought that I would let you know the Tank Limo video has now reached No. 29 in the most watched videos of all time in the cars and vehicles category.

check the video out here - Tank limo - the worlds only stretched tracked vehicle. -

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Tank driving day

So it was full Monty day on Saturday and it absolutely pissed it down all day.  Doesn't matter though I was working down on heavy armour on the 432s and the 2S1s.
The weather was good for tank driving.  

Luckily I wasn't up on the Easy company stand, they managed to break 1 Humvee, drive shaft went and two Lances.

The pictures show some 2S1 action through the water splash and on other parts of the course. 

There is also a picture of Wayne our mechanic with his new toy, a quad bike, don't ask me why he has a ladder on the front.

The Land Rover in the background is not a military machine, but a painted civilian 90.

The car crush went well, for the first time I decided to put a camera inside the car, we found a good spot between the headrest and the seat which turned out to be very successful, you can see the video here -, this video is already trending on youtube.

The video footage of the whole crush can be seen here -  Watch till the end because for the first time ever the bonnet of the car managed to ping off a bazooka plate from the side of the tank.  Richard who was filming it at the time had a bit of a moment when 1/4 ton of armoured steel flew off towards him.

So the car got its own back in the end!!!

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Or see my channel on youtube at -